Hello new and returning garden members!
As we wind up for our 2024 gardening season, the board of directors has been working diligently to plan events for now and the future.
"Now" focuses on workshops, work parties, opening celebrations and getting our garden ready to plant.
"In the Future" means the extraordinary amount of work that needs to be done to find a new place to garden and get ready for that move. As you have heard, as far as we know, 2024 is the last year we will be able to use our current site. (more on this below).
But first - let's get ready to garden! Join us on Saturday, March 9 from 10 a.m. to noon for a seed starting workshop and free seed exchange in the garden's greenhouse.
Topics covered include:
when to plant vegetable seeds in concert with Sisters’ growing season,
tricks for speeding up germination,
starting vegetables in the greenhouse now for transplanting outside later in the season,
best practices for transplanting.
Participate in hands-on activities and take valuable materials and information home with you.
Bring any seeds you may want to share to exchange with other gardeners. In addition, seed packets from the Winona Grange free seed program will be available.
The workshop is designed for adults and interested children accompanied by an adult (if younger than middle school). Free and open to members and new applicants to the Sisters Community Garden. We hope to see you there!
The site search committee has quite a bit of information to share about its work to procure us a new place to garden. Come hear about what they've been doing on Thursday, March 14 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. We'll gather at the Pine Meadow Village clubhouse at 596 W. Jefferson Avenue in Sisters.
In addition to sharing general information about the site search, the committee will discuss its progress in:
meetings with officials from the City of Sisters as well as the city's Parks Advisory Board,
locations being considered along with preliminary site design plans for two specific places,
upcoming needs for volunteers
identifying fundraising options and organizations contacted thus far,
contacting businesses to possibly assist with the move as well as construction of the new site.
Please join us for this important meeting and learn how you might be able to help. If you are able, bring a snack or beverage to share with your fellow gardeners.
More events can be found on our website calendar, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Follow us!